Adam Jimerson wrote:
I attached my code for my program,

You don't say what to do if the untainting fails. This code:

        if ($name =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/) {
                $name = $1;

should better be:

        if ($name =~ /^([...@\w.]+)$/) {
                $name = $1;
        } else {
                die "Untainting of the name failed";

Please consider, for instance, what happens if the user submits both a first and last name.

All the variables that have user submitted content go through the above search string as soon as the program retrieves it.

I think it's just the $name variable that needs to be untainted for the program to pass Perl's taint check.

Since this is about a contact form, I can't help calling your attention to my contact form module. The link in the sig below takes you to a form that was created by that module. The whole code that is needed, given that the form has been installed, is:

        #!/usr/bin/perl -T
        use CGI::ContactForm;

        contactform (
            recname   => 'My Name',
            recmail   => '',
            styleurl  => '/style/ContactForm.css',

You find the module at CPAN:

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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