One clarification since it caused some private questions:

On 07/07/2020 21:13, Michael Meeks wrote:
>       Collabora - despite C'bra still putting a lot of work into
> LibreOffice Desktop, having an outstanding support capability, doing
> lots of marketing, being the largest code contributor to LibreOffice,
> and having lots of existing happy customers / references for desktop
> LibreOffice, ... etc. etc.
>       We have not had -one- -single- -new- Collabora *Office*
> customer since 2018 - zero.

        I think Thorsten stated more cleanly as:

        "The market for desktop libreoffice is tough;
         sales cycles frequently count in multiple years"

        which I agree with. Of course - we have also sold some seats of
LibreOffice Vanilla for Mac in the app-store, which  is desktop & has
let us fix a number of Mac bugs. That's about 5% of C'bras income /

        Some people kindly offered to buy some seats. Sadly the transaction
cost (outside an app-store) of selling to an individual, or handful of
users is very significant: sales time, invoicing, accounting, account
setup, software setup, responding to tickets etc. makes this loss-making
for less than several 10's of users or pre-paid multi-year commitments.

>       => so it makes no economic sense at all to invest in
>          -Desktop- Libreoffice you will never see a return.
>       That is manageable - we are investing heavily in creating
> Online and that is going well, and it funds our work on LibreOffice.

        And of course for us Collabora Online is the tip of the spear for
investment & expected returns, with education being a key sector
currently. We have a growing set of customers there.

        That as well as some intermittent consultancy pieces lets us work on
improving lots of things in the LibreOffice core for our users.



-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout:, Skype: mmeeks
(M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe

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