On 2020/07/14 10:41, Michael Meeks wrote:

> On 12/07/2020 20:32, toki wrote:
>> On 2020/07/08 12:40, Michael Meeks wrote:
>>>     I think Thorsten stated more cleanly as:
>>>     "The market for desktop libreoffice is tough;
>>>      sales cycles frequently count in multiple years"
>> I'd blame the lack of sales on Collabora having a really
>> bad website
>       So, if getting sales is only a function of a really good website 

I think it was Brian Tracy who wrote if your website can't sell the
qualified prospect, it needs to be redesigned.

For a previous generation, Joe Girard wrote that the presentation you
create, should have the suspect reaching for the pen to sign off on the
deal, before they had finished looking at it.

Websites provide a first impression, and if that impression is negative,
that is the end of the story. You never hear from  those suspects.
Learning that the website automatically disqualified the firm, is
something that an organisation rarely directly hears from the former
suspect, and is even more rarely believed by the board. Third party
surveys consistently indicate that a bad website loses business. It
literally doesn't matter if the firm is B2B or B2C orientated.

>Beyond that - creating, maintaining and translating a website into a handful 
>of languages is an expensive hobby.

When you don't know if the pricing is US dollars or Canadian dollars,
you've got an issue. (Years ago, Howard Stern paid one of the
bubble-headed bleach blondes he specialises in interviewing, a billion
Zimbabwean dollars, for her appearance. She was so excited about
receiving so much money, she never stopped to convert it to US$. It was
just under US$100, which was well below the usual appearance fee.)

Budget US$100,000 per language per year, for a multilingual website.
This is addition to the cost of designing and maintaining the website.
Before adding languages, look at both the financial ROI, and PR value.
Will the language generate at least US$1,000,000 in additional business
each year? IOW, will adding a page in say, Flemish, generate
US$10,000,000 in additional revenue, over the next decade. Revenue that
the organisation would not have had, had the Flemish pages not existed?

>> Is that the online edition, or the desktop
>> edition? Is that Tier 1 or Tier 2 support?
>Worth digging out my mail on the counter-intuitive negatives of answering all 
>questions on your web-page 

That gets into the "how much information is too much information"
debate. Enough information to qualify the suspect as a prospect,
discourage the tire-kicker, and not get struck off, because it appears
that the organisation can't solve the suspect's problem.

The last thing any business owner wants to hear from a current customer
is "I went with company x, because I didn't know you provided that service."


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