----- Original Message -----
From: "Ritu Ko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:29 PM
Subject: RE: U.S. drops leaflets warning Iraq of counterattack
He also found
> Socialism more attractive than Capitalism [have I mentioned that he as
> an idiot?]...so, any improvements that might have resulted just didn' go
> too far, simply because Nehru was not too interested.

This kinda reminds me of an implied question about preconceptions about
India that exists.  The main one I have is that India is overwhelmingly
bureaucratic.  It may be changing, but I definitely got that impression
from the '70s through the mid-'90s at least.  The two instances that stick
out the strongest is an Indian colleague who said he would never go home
because he could get a job, but he wouldn't be allowed to accomplish
anything, back in the '70s.  The other was a old boss, and present
customer, of mine who went to India and found out that everyone he met was
either a manager or a director.  He finally guessed the person in charge
was the one with a business card which read "managing director."

In your opinion, is this unfair, or fairly accurate?

Dan M.


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