----- Original Message -----
From: "Ritu Ko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: U.S. drops leaflets warning Iraq of counterattack

> > Remember, Iraq lost a war
> > and agreed
> > to a treaty.
> Yes, I remember. I also remember the Treaty of Versailles and the
> everlasting peace *that* brought to Europe.

I'm surprised that you used that treaty as an example.  If I were arguing
your point, I'd make my opponent bring up that example.  With that treaty,
Germany was told that it would be prohibited from militerizing the Rhine.
Hitler did it, but was on a hair trigger to withdraw if the French and or
English responded with force.

They didn't, so the Treaty was considered worthless.

The treaty with Iraq was such that the alliance would not overthrow the
government as long as Iraq agreed to terms.  Iraq hasn't agreed.  Using
your analogy, one would see the arguement that the best thing to do with
Iraq is to do what England and France failed to do with Germany; use
military force to enforce the provisions of the treaty.

Indeed, for Americans, Europe's and its failure to respond to Hitler has
been a paradigm example of what not to do for over 50 years of foreign
policy.  I cannot imagine you picking a worse example to use.  It doesn't
falsify your arguement, but it is not a good case study to make your point.

Dan M.

Dan M.

> > Iraq has been firing on US planes, and rather
> > than bombing
> > their cities, the US drops leaflets warning that they will return fire
> > on military targets that fire upon them.
> >
> > What would you suggest?
> Well, I'd suggest that the US govt. calms down a bit. Accepts the Oct. 1
> offer of Iraq. Let the UN SC decide what it wants to do. Take it from
> there, really.
> And while the US holds it patience, I'd also suggest that it stops
> saying thing like 'You could be next!'.
> I have a feeling that every single Iraqi already know that. :)
> Ritu
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