Erik Reuter wrote:

>In Iraq?
Ahh - too much snippage (for a change)...
I thought we had been discussing Afghanistan as evidence of what the US 
could or couldn't achieve post-invasion.

To get with the thread (instead of trailing a day or so behind it...) - 
I think Iraq will be different because of the potential rewards. 
Countries from around the globe will be falling over themselves to get 
involved in rehabilitating Iraq, and given that a very general 
assumption is that more open politics leads to a more open economy, they 
will be looking for alternatives to dictators (not counting purveyors of 
gold plated bathroom fixtures, torture implements, statue carvers and 
other beneficiaries of dictatorships of course).

A Dutch company may just buy the place and run it as a corporation like 
they have a few small African nations.

Russell C.


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