At 10:24 PM 10/17/2002 -0700 d.brin wrote:
>Gadzooks!  YOUR GUYS are the ones flying all over the world giving 
>away the store in order to build a 'coalition' out of allies who want 
>nothing to do with this insanity.  How many billions to Kazakhstan? 
>How many Billions to Pakistan?  

You are the one who advocated that we needed world opinion and the United
Nations on our side - and quite simply, our European Allies, whose support
you value so much, have made it quite clear to us that the support of these
countries is essential.

How many billions and billions and 
>billions... when the ONE only ally we'd need, in order to eliminate 
>SH is right next door... Iran.
>Worst of all, cozying up to the Wahhabi cultists in Riyadh. Cultists 
>who have killed more americans than SH and Iran combined.
>Treason. pure treason.

Dr. Brin, you have just argued:
1) That Iran is the only ally we need.
2) It is treasonous to be allied to Saudi Arabia

Surely you don't believe both of these?

John D. Giorgis         -               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
People everywhere want to say what they think; choose who will govern
them; worship as they please; educate their children -- male and female;
 own property; and enjoy the benefits of their labor. These values of 
freedom are right and true for every person,  in every society -- and the 
duty of protecting these values against their enemies is the common 
calling of freedom-loving people across the globe and across the ages.
                -US National Security Policy, 2002

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