>Plus who else does the world turn to when there is real trouble?
>Kevin T.

I agree completely, which is why our Pax Americana authority is 
valuable, PRECIOUS!  Not to be squandered.

When we use it right, our position rises and allies gain willingness 
to follow us.  When we squander this authority, pushing allies 
around, browbeating them and ignoring their concerns, ignoring the 
fact that they are telling us we sound trigger happy and loopy, that 
is HARMFUL to America and harmful to our ability to lead.

You cite Kosovo and the Balkans.  A vastly harder problem than 
Afghanistan and Iraq combined, and far more important.  Yet does 
anybody give Clinton credit for the long slow hard process of pushing 
pushing pushing the Europeans and slavs and albanians etc till they 
made peace?

Our actions there were true leadership and the result is a Europe at 
peace for the 1st time since Neanderthals saw strange guys coming 
over the horizon with great big chins under their mouths.

Dig it again, folks.  The Brits have come aboard, but read their 
press.  Even THEY don't want this dogwag spasm.  And when the brits 
don't want a war, something is very very bad about the plan.


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