"Jose J. Ortiz-Carlo" wrote:

> You'll have to agree with me that when TNG was good, it was GREAT. But when
> it was poor, it was REALLY bad.  I may sound like a purist, but I have
> always divided TNG into two eras: before Gene's death, and after Gene's
> death.  I humbly think quality control in TNG, and the Trek franchise in
> general, declined greatly after Rodenberry passed away.

But it took them a little while to get it right.  I don't think the first
season was as good as seasons 2-4, frex.

Someone who knows more about ST:TNG off the top of his head, but is also
somewhat biased in some matters, credits Melinda Snodgrass with the
turnaround.  (He heard the story of the script proposal leading to writing
the script leading eventually to the "creative consultant" job from Melinda,
hence I credit him with bias....)

I personally think one of the coolest TNG eps was "Darmok" and I can't
remember just when Roddenberry died with respect to that.


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