--- Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> George wrote:
> > > Bayta Darrel, Hober Mallow, Salvor Hardin, Preem
> > > Palver, Gaal Dornick leap
> > > to mind (even if I forget the speeling).
> Debbi replied:
> >Oh, boy, not one of those names rings a bell! 
> >(Think I read that series over 2 decades ago.)
> You don't remember Salvor Hardin, the mayor who said
> "Never let your sense 
> of morals get in the way of doing what's right,"
> "Violence is the last 
> refuge of the incompetent" and many other sayings,
> and is one of the coolest 
> politicians in science fiction?
> Sacrilege!

<sheepish grin>
IIRC, when I read the blurb for the series, I thought
the Mule was...an equine, and was quite disappointed
that he wasn't... So I read it very carelessly.

Junior High School Days Maru

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