From: Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

But it took them a little while to get it right.  I don't think the first
season was as good as seasons 2-4, frex.

True! Season 1 was especially notorious for being a major revolving door of staff members. They were dropping like flies.

I personally think one of the coolest TNG eps was "Darmok" and I can't
remember just when Roddenberry died with respect to that.


That was a GREAT episode. It was filmed before Gene's death.

A year or so before he died, Gene was too ill to perform his on-the-lot tasks and his duties were taken care of by his assistant Richard Arnold and his lawyer, who was with him 24/7 while he was at Paramount. As I understand it, scripts were still submitted to him, and they were returned with his annotations prior to shooting.

If I may add, Arnold and GR's lawyer didn't exactly win a popularity contest with their duties. It has been said that they both took too many liberties in Gene's name during their work with the production of the show. Rumors floated stating that inmediately following Rodenberry's death, Arnold was escorted off the Paramount lot.


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