On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Jose J. Ortiz-Carlo wrote:

> However, and someone out there must agree with me, *something* happened with 
> the Trek franchise after the end of TNG and shortly after "Generations" was 
> released.  If I must find hard evidence of this claim, I can mention that 
> the popularity of Trek merchandising (Paramount's hottest ever!!) started to 
> decay in rapid numbers.  Compared to what it used to be during the heydey of 
> TNG and the Trek films, it's basically nonexistent.

I think Generations had the effect of proving that of TNG's cast only 
Stewart had any business being on a movie screen.

Of course, by the time ST:TMP came out, the original cast already included 
a number of cultural icons - putting them on the big screen just confirmed 
that status.  TNG was a popular show, but as you've pointed out earlier, 
it was not a cast of iconic characters.
Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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