Bryon Daly wrote:
> "Jose J. Ortiz-Carlo" wrote:
> > Unfortunately, 16+ years of ST:TNG episodes on re-runs aren't helping that.
> > Maybe somebody in Paramount hopes that if they re-run the episodes long
> > enough, the characters will achieve the same legendary status. Tough luck.
> >
> > Anybody has any idea on what the theme for the next Trek film may be? I'm
> > not sure about the success of ST:X either.
> There may not be another movie (at least not anytime soon). Here's a link to a
> Slashdot article discussing an interview with Rick "Run the ST franchise into the
> ground" Berman:
> Slashdot | 
> Rick Berman Doesn't Know Why Nemesis Tanked
> Not sure if that cutnpaste link works, so again:
> (Slashdot | Rick Berman Doesn't Know Why Nemesis Tanked)

The first one worked fine.  At least, it was working fine and I was reading
some Pulaski vs. Crusher debate when the power went out....  :P

(I think it's sleet, rather than freezing rain.  The weather here is nasty,
and they're recommending that people not travel until, oh, say, noon
tomorrow or so....)


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