--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I do wonder, at some point will the credibility of
> > these people just evaporate?  I mean, will people
> say,
> > gee, the people of Iraq _did_ celebrate when we
> > arrived, Saddam _was_ defeated fairly easily, the
> > country _didn't_ collapse into civil war, the
> museum
> > _wasn't_ looted, and so on - at some point will
> the
> > media say (as the public already has) that
> empirical
> > reality and these people's beliefs are, let's be
> kind, orthogonal?
> > 
> I have no problem admitting all of that. Will the
> Bush administration ever 
> admit that they cannot find the WMD they swore up
> and down they knew exactly 
> where they were?
> Tom Beck

You know, Tom, given your previous record on
predictions in Iraq, do you think you might want to be
a little more careful with statements like the above? 
Just a thought.  I mean, if we do find them - and I
still think the odds are pretty good that we will -
what will you hate Bush foreign policy for then?


Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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