> You know, Tom, given your previous record on
> predictions in Iraq, do you think you might want to be
> a little more careful with statements like the above?
> Just a thought.  I mean, if we do find them - and I
> still think the odds are pretty good that we will -
> what will you hate Bush foreign policy for then?

You mean, you HOPE we will find them. I don't care either way. I'm glad 
Saddam is gone, and I didn't object to getting rid of him. On the other hand, we 
were obviously not prepared for what comes next, either in Iraq or Afghanistan. 

And if we DON'T find WMD - if it turns out they really did "cook" the 
intelligence - then what? If they fooled themselves - if they sincerely believed what 
turns out to be very thin evidence - that does not bode all that well for the 
future, you know. And if they fooled us - if they knew the evidence was thin 
but deliberately overstated the case as a pretext for an invasion - that 
doesn't bode very well either.

I know this won't convince any of the huffing-and-puffing Mighty America true 
believers who dream of an Imperial USA bossing around the rest of the world 
(for its own good), but the argument that, even if we never find WMD - even if 
the Bushies really did know beforehand there weren't any - it's okay because 
we got rid of the big meanie Saddam (with no real preparation for what would 
replace him) - I don't buy that. If that's truly the reason we invaded - WHY NOT 
TELL THE TRUTH? Why lie about the WMD?

I'm glad Saddam is gone. I've never said otherwise. I'm glad the war itself 
went smoothly, although the post-war is starting to turn very very nasty. But 
at what point do you admit there aren't any WMD?

You see, Bush/Rumsfeld/Cheney/Powell/Wolfowitz/Perle/etc. said before the 
invasion that they knew exactly where the WMD were and it was basically a matter 
of conquering the country and opening up the storage sites to prove to the 
world. So where are they?

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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