--- "Miller, Jeffrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you think they'd take that deal?  Because by
> God
> > you talk like you think they would.
> I'm merely pointing out the lack of perspective in
> saying that the loss of "only" 33 major artifacts
> and "only" 3,000 "minor" artifacts is nothing to be
> concerned with.  I don't understand how that equates
> to burying the children of Iraq alive. :)
> -j-

Because that's where they were a little while ago.  We
just dug up a mass grave with hundreds of children in
it, _buried alive_ by the Hussein regime.  I'm not
making this stuff up.

Now, I don't happen to believe that most of the losses
at the Museum had _anything_ to do with the invasion. 
The Ba'ath regime had been plundering that country for
a generation.  They appointed Ba'ath party flunkies to
run the museum.  Why anyone was foolish enough to
think that they were telling the truth - that the
museum had been looted after the invasion - completely
escapes me.  But let's suppose it was.  Let's suppose
that the invasion was the trigger for looting the
museum.  So what?  I mean, really, so what?  Given the
two alternatives, which one was preferable?  Now we
know that the museum _wasn't_ plundered.  Despite the
hysterical claims of many people - no few of them on
this list - at most, a small amount of its collection
was stolen.  Something which, may I point out, I said
was probably the case _as soon as reports of the
thefts came out_.  Compared to what the invasion
stopped, so what?  The only reason this is an issue at
all is that people were so desperate to believe bad
things of Americans in general and Bush in particular
that they credulously grabbed onto this story as
something they could use to diminish an astonishing
achievement.  Now, even that has been taken away, and
what we're seeing is the remarkable extent to which
the war's opponents were practicing nothing more nor
less than the politics of bad faith - defending a
tyrant simply for their own spite and domestic
political battles.  So I return to my question about
credibility.  All the people who talked about the
looting of the Museum as a cultural catastrophe akin
to destroying the Louvre or the Smithsonian or what
have you - given their dismal record, when do we stop
listening to them entirely?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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