> Behalf Of Gautam Mukunda
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:15 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Where are the European hypocrites?
> --- Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, but that's not really the same situation, is
> > it? Can you imagine a
> > separate sovereign Hispanic state forming on the
> > territory of the
> > United States and having a military so powerful that
> > it's able to
> > inflict repeated humiliating defeats on the forces
> > of the federal
> > government?
> >
> > Rich
> No, but I can't imagine us responding by trying to
> eliminate Hispanics all around the world either.
> Rich, it's really very simple.  If the Palestinians
> stopped fighting, and credibly demonstrated that they
> were willing to accept the existence of Israel, they'd
> get a state today.
> If the Israelis stopped fighting, we'd have another
> six million dead Jews.

Which is approximately 50% of the world's population and the entire
Jewish population of Israel. (Gautam may have known that, but I thought
the 'irony' worth posting.) :( 

> Why is it so hard to see there's a difference there?

Because a largely underdog-sympathetic media in Europe has framed this
as a poor, defenseless arab people fighting against an all-powerful
jewish state.  In your job, you must read the international media, no?

> And how come the only people in the world outside of
> Israel who care about the difference live in the
> United States, 

This is a good question.  I haven't seen a single logical answer posted
to either the Culture list or by any of our European members that
explains why they think Palestinian terrorism is appropriate.  Answering
'They have no choice' is simply not an answer that justifies the murder
of innocent civilians or unarmed children.  There is *always* a choice
involved when you decide to strap a bomb on your body and go kill

> and most of them are conservatives?

I don't agree with this.  I am a somewhat middle-of-the road
conservative, and I haven't met a single New York liberal who thinks the
jewish population in Israel should be wiped out or that the Palestinian
terrorism isn't horrible.  

In my opinion, you cannot judge all liberals or democrats by articles
you read in the papers or hear on talk shows. Nor can you judge most
Democrats' opinions by their leaders' agendas in much the same way most
Republicans' opinions cannot be judged by every word that falls from our
President's mouth.  You live here.  Do you think the New York Post
speaks for every


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