Jon said:

> Because a largely underdog-sympathetic media in Europe has framed this
> as a poor, defenseless arab people fighting against an all-powerful
> jewish state. 

In your opinion, are the European media more biased than the US media?
In my opinion, the British media, at least, are considerably more
balanced than those US news channels I see (CNN, Fox). I can't speak
for newspapers though - I just read the (London) Sunday Times, New
Scientist and sometimes the Economist.

> This is a good question. I haven't seen a single logical answer posted
> to either the Culture list or by any of our European members that
> explains why they think Palestinian terrorism is appropriate.

I haven't seen anything posted in either place in favour of Palestinian
(or any other) terrorism either. Unless it was posted by Jeroen, in
which case I might have missed it because I seldom read anything he
writes now.

> In my opinion, you cannot judge all liberals or democrats by articles
> you read in the papers or hear on talk shows. 

Nor can you judge all Europeans in such a way. How many Europeans do we
have left here anyway? Is it just three?


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