Richard Baker wrote:
> In your opinion, are the European media more
> biased than the US media?  In my opinion, the
> British media, at least, are considerably more
> balanced than those US news channels I see (CNN,
> Fox). I can't speak for newspapers though - I
> just read the (London) Sunday Times, New
> Scientist and sometimes the Economist.

Fox News, IMHO, is a total waste of spectrum.
They have the lunch-room TV at work tuned to it
in such a way that you can't change the channel...

On Friday, they spent 5 - 10 minutes every hour
on a segment on the Laci Petersen case.  The
news:  The judge placed a gag order, so there is
no news, and not likely to be any for a while.

They followed this with a segment called "80
seconds around the world", in which the top
stories were:  China is getting ready to launch
a manned rocket, Some guy in India is giving away
water to people around his neighborhood for free,
and Some crocodiles in Brazil were captured for
release into the wild who got stuck in a fountain.

Don't even get me started on the topic of
balanced political coverage.

How they make any money with such crap goes
a long way towards arguing against the notion
that free market anything is automatically

-- Matt

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