On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 02:16:13PM -0700, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> Which I don't necessarily disagree with - but it also doesn't _begin_
> to explain the insanity of asking if Americans are being arrested for
> criticizing Bush.

It does sound rather out of touch. As much as I dislike Bush's policies
on justice and civil rights, I wouldn't accuse him of that.

But I regularly read The Economist, and I don't see much obvious
distortion there. I don't listen to BBC radio, but I do read BBC news
articles about world events. I haven't seen any obvious distortion in
the top news stories on the BBC website.

> Heck, I work with plenty of Europeans, and I've seen the same thing
> myself.

I'm not sure its fair to equate the opinions of a BBC reporter to those
of the general European population. I would expect a BBC reporter to be
in touch with what is going on in America. I wouldn't necessarily expect
the same from any European (have you ever watched daytime television in
America? I've had a bad cold for going on 48 hours now and I've been
watching -- there are an amazing number of out of touch people on these
talk shows)

[Unless, of course, you are talking about Europeans whose JOB it is to
know accurately what is going on around the world. If so, disregard what
I wrote]

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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