----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 12:00 AM
Subject: Native American Rights RE: Where are the European hypocrites?

> At 07:49 AM 6/13/2003 -0400 Jon Gabriel wrote:
> >> Yeah, but there have been Jews in that area since
> >> before recorded history and they made up a very large
> >> proportion of the population before the Israeli War of
> >> Independence.
> >
> >You know, I do sympathize with this point of view, but by those
> >standards, the United States belongs to Native Americans, doesn't it?
> >
> >(....or do you feel perhaps that because they lost the war(s), they lost
> >their rights for the land?  I'm curious about your opinion.)
> Actually, I would argue that the Native Americans have lost "their rights
> to the United States" because of a combination of the folllowing:
> 1) The statute of limitations has expired.   There's simply no way to turn
> back the clock to the injustice.   Moreover, almost all people alive in
> US today were simply born here - and did not choose to be born here, and
> indeed, have no record of having oppressed Native Americans.
> 2) The Native Americans did not really achieve sufficient organization,
> with a few local exceptions, to claim "nationhood" in the modern sense,
> thus designate a representative to receive reparations.  For example, the
> largest Native American group currently existant in the US today is the
> Navaho, but it doesn't really make much sense to give the Navajo North
> Carolina - or even Texas.
> 3) The ration of currently living Native Americans to available land is
> disproportionate.   Thus, in sort of an extension of #1, it would make no
> sense and resemble no sort of justice to give the Native Americans all of
> the United States.

Hmmmm..........Only after a massive war of repatriation against Canada,
Mexico, all of Central and South America.

ALL Of It Maru


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