"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 10:53 AM 7/12/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >I read all the Killashandra books,
> Are there more than two?

Three.  Crystal Singer, Killashandra, Crystal Line.  I think the
publication dates were something like 1981, 1985 or so, 1992.
> >and I thought they were OK (then
> >again, I read the first one in junior high and the second in high
> >school, just to give you an idea of my *emotional* age when I most
> >enjoyed them), but I don't go back to them.
> I read them and found the SF ideas interesting, but admittedly did not read
> them for the romance.

I liked the stuff with the crystal itself.  All the interpersonal stuff
holds little interest for me now, though, so I haven't been going back
to them.  (Pern has more complicated politics *shown* to the reader,
which makes for more interesting reading.)

You want more romance/adventure, a little less SF, try _Restoree_ by
McCaffrey.  If you're not interested in those, then skip it.  :)


who wouldn't recommend the "Power" books co-authored with Elizabeth Ann

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