Deborah Harrell wrote:

> <serious>  I do enjoy historical romances that are
> well-researched, with an interesting story to tell
> (and not some jaded variation on "poor
> girl-who-is-hated-by-all-other-women-because-she's-ravishingly-beautiful
> becomes governess/milkmaid/cook for rich man, and then
> they fall into/on the bed/hay/table").  But if the
> story doesn't have characters I care about, decent
> approximations of people with conflicting goals,
> "warts" and genuine humor, like you I have no interest
> in it.

Yes.  I like historical romances, or novels where there's a lot more
going on than just the romance.  Anything where the primary purpose is
to peddle a formulaic pre-packaged easy-to-read thing is crap, IMO.
> And don't get me started on the "pink" thing!  ;)

If a book's cover has too much pink, I generally avoid it.

I also avoid the Barbie aisle in the toy department.  (And yes, I intend
to continue this when my daughter is 5, and she will live a life
deprived of Barbie, and she'll just have to *deal*, the way I did, and I
don't think it hurt me in the long run.)
> Debbi
> What If The Yellowstone Wolfpacks Were Group Sentients Maru

Well, that would be interesting!  :)


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