--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > > > --- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Debbi, if you're following this thread,
> McCaffrey has written some
> > > non-SF stuff, some of it about women who ride
> > > horses.  Try _Ring of
> > > Fear_ or _The Lady_, unless you absolutely can't
> > > stand romances.  :)

> > But *romance novels*?!!  With heaving bosoms and
> manly
> > pillars, straining bodices and "breeches moulded
> to his calves"?  Not me!  ;)

<grin>  Maybe I should have used "<looks innocently at
the ceiling>" rather than ";)" ...  I _have_ read a
few of those...

> There are novels that aren't like the formulated
> Harlequin romances, but
> are still "romances" rather than some other sort of
> novel.  The
> formulaic ones found in the "Romance Novels"
> section, usually with way
> more pink on the cover than anyone should really
> want, hold no interest
> for me, but ones that are reasonable novels in their
> own right but have
> that romantic slant to them are OK at times.  (At
> times.)

<serious>  I do enjoy historical romances that are
well-researched, with an interesting story to tell
(and not some jaded variation on "poor
becomes governess/milkmaid/cook for rich man, and then
they fall into/on the bed/hay/table").  But if the
story doesn't have characters I care about, decent
approximations of people with conflicting goals,
"warts" and genuine humor, like you I have no interest
in it.

And don't get me started on the "pink" thing!  ;)

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