David wrote-
>>THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR.  The United States has fewer than 
>>10000 casualities, civilian and military, since September 2001
>>or whenever.  Sorry, but we have not been hurt enough to 
>justify treating this as a war.  Having Bush call it a war
>>does not make it one.

John wrote-
>Feel free to give your opinion to the 3rd Infantry Troops that just found
>out they aren't coming home after a year's deployment in what you term

You know, I can't speak for all the "Troops", but I work with families daily
that are/have been active or supporting someone in the Middle East 
and Afganistan.  You are engaging in a bit of hyperbole that does not
do those people justice.  Some people are returning from one tour
and embarking on another in less than several months.  Troop
assignments are based on a number of factors, these people know
how to do their jobs and the realities that accompany them.  Don't
use them to make a point that isn't that "simple". 



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