--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did Rush go to college?  My impression is that he
> didn't, or at least he
> never came out with a degree....
>       Julia

I have no idea, actually.  What I meant was that every
conservative who even wants to think about racial
issues outside of PC orthodoxies has to accept that
this is the deal - the very first tactic that will be
used by those who disagree with him is to call him a
racist.  That's part of the deal.  There doesn't have
to be any evidence or anything at all.  If you want to
say anything about race beyond talking about the
pervasive racism of American society and how that's
the only explanation for every problem afflicting
African-Americans, you will get called a racist. 
Every conservative knows it.  I think most leftists do
to, to be honest, but it's too useful a tactic of
intimidation to admit that.  Rush certainly should
have - he's not stupid.  If he knew his employers
weren't willing to deal with the firestorm from his
comments (which they obviously weren't) then he should
have either not made them, or resigned on principle -
none of this "interfering with NFL Countdown"
nonsense.  Acting all surprised that this happened is,
frankly, kind of disingenuous.  Of course he was going
to be attacked.  That's what happens, right or wrong. 
It's only worse that - in this case - he was wrong.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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