At 04:34 PM 10/19/2003 -0500 Dan Minette wrote:
>First of all, I'm 99% sure we agree that slavery was the original sin of
>the US, 

Just for the record, I disagree.    The decimation of the Native Americans
is the "original" sin of the United States. 

>Yes, he just gave one example, but it wasn't an off the cuff remark; he
>planned to bring it up.  Since McNabb is just one of several high ranked
>black quarterbacks, it would be hard to explain why you think all the other
>black QBs deserve their reputations, but not McNabb.  The only consistent
>reason for this viewpoint that I can think of is the belief that the old
>days, when all the QBs were white, was a reflection of the natural order of
>things.  You know, the inherent intelligence of whites and the inability of
>whites to regard a black man as a leader, and all that other nonsense.
>So, in short, while you could argue that PC has been used to attack very
>reasonable conservative positions, that dog doesn't hunt with Rush.

But the reasonable conservative viewpoint is not just that McNabb is
overrated.... which I think is a wrong viewpoint, but I must admit that it
is reasonable just because of its prevalence amongst the pro football
punditry class.... but it is also that the media wants to see black QB's do
well, and thus the media  is less quick to turn on McNabb with criticism
because he is black than they would be if McNabb were white.    i.e. to
argue that the racism of the media means that if McNabb were white like Jon
Kitna, people would have called him overrated much faster than they have.  

Moreover, the very timeline of the current situation backs up Gautam's
thesis.     ESPN's NFL Countdown, while a live show, is a *rehearsed* live
show.   At no point in the rehearsal nor at the live taping did anyone at
ESPN express shock or dismay at Rush's comments, including two black former
NFL Players on ESPN's panel.    

On Monday following the game, there was again very little notice taken of
Rush's comments.... despite the fact that many people had no doubt by then
had the opportunity to review them, and any journalists watching ESPN's
show would no doubt have had the opportunity to write about them in their
Monday columns.

Indeed, let us consider who objected to these comments..... *Al Sharpton*
objected to the comments.   *Howard Dean* objected to the comments.
Democratic Presidential Candidate *Wesley Clark* objected to the remarks.
 Pretty soon, Jesse Jackson was threatening a boycott of ESPN and even

If this is not evidence of a coordinated attack by the PC Police, then I
don't know what is.... and quite frankly, I am still waiting for "The Fool"
and the ACLU to start complaining about the chilling effect that all this
has had on free speech in this country....  Then again, I'm not holding my

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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