I welcome this opportunity.

Apologies for my own intermittent involvement on this. I don't mean to throw argument bombs into the room and then exit - I just don't have the spare cycles to weigh in as often as I would like, yet.

Mr Bell, if selective bloviating was enough then this would be resolved already. Your growling impatient diatribe doesn't appear to add anything and I certainly resist bully-boy tactics even if only verbal. There are real anomalies throughout this topic that we are all interested in sorting through - or I thought we were. Someone once put forth that perhaps conspiracy theorists around this issue suffer a form of delayed Post Traumatic Stress. Perhaps this is true although I rather doubt it, but I could say in return that adherence to the official explanation may be akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

So. Besides the other questions posed around this opportunity I have a few I'll try to boil down for brevity: - In the interest of scientific open-source inquiries, why are the models and initial data and data sets generated kept secret? - Why does the NIST report essentially stop at the point of Collapse Initiation without delving into any of the mechanism postulated to cause successive failure across the entire structure{s}? - Related: why was the "Piston Mechanism" never modeled and only made mention of in passing at the end of the report? - What causes steel members to fall apart throughout and across the entire building systemically such that a straight vertical moment of inertia is maintained even as ton after ton of steel and concrete should offer significant compressive resistance and start moving such a mass off-center? WTC1+2 are the exception to history at this point. - What of the Underwriters Labs studies of paint chips showing very low temperatures were actually demonstrable on the South Tower, and only some exceedingly small amount was exposed to even this temperature? - Why was NIST selected when it has no regulatory or enforcement power that other governmental and civil bodies must thus pay attention to & alter codes and procedures to accommodate any revealed structural flaws? - What is the timeline for the WTC7 report and why was this selectively delayed in the first place - resources were apparently plentiful as compared with the FEMA report so decisions on where and how to spend this should be in the realm of Gautam to explain.

On the topic of weariness, I am sorry your friend has grown tiresome on the subject. I applaud her going at this with us. Perhaps if the report was more complete these gaping holes in the presentation would not beg such questions. The public contracted for an explanation and it has been found wanting.

My own further thoughts do not need to be sent along to our weary contactee: There are amazingly detailed presentations from fires spreading to people dying to airplane impact down to turbofan blades, yet nothing about the structural integrity of this massive building failing. At a very basic common-sense level of civil & structural engineering such a failure requires serious review for possible retrofit action across the entire built world - I have heard nothing of such thinking nor warnings to come from government agencies that set such standards. All of us here are throwing our own 2ยข in trying to understand what should have been made clear by such a report. This double-failure is unprecedented in history and flies in the face of multiple documented firestorms raging for days w/o steel failure in modern construction. The volume and detail we see up to the Collapse Initiation is overwhelming, but paltry and notably sparse {I'm being generous here: sentances/paragraphs -vs- whole chapters} as compared with the money spent staging our understanding of events. Pardon my beating a dead horse, but the estimates of of slightly over one second per floor requires a significantly longer period than a free fall. The calculated estimate for a crushing floor to have upon the one below it has been apx 1 second, which would then start the clock again for that floor to begin to the next buckle... and then start the clock again... granted it could reduce the time per floor when enough momentum {TBD} is generated, but this still runs up against the growing body of steel and concrete piling up below. Only human demo-squad intervention causes this vertical alignment to my knowledge and as mentioned, if it was thus easily done then landlords would loosen bolts and spread kerosene for the insurance all the time. I'm still waiting for examples of sturdy time-tested buildings suffering progressive collapse that mimic what we see w/o human attention. NIST side-steps this conundrum without offering anything plausible. I'd be glad to revise this opinion. For instance, I take those of us who have direct metal working knowledge seriously as my own training was more high-falutin' and nature has a way of sharding off on tangents that more sartorial physical exercises don't resolve. Likewise, I have been following the melting steel issue further and am willing to see the deformity under heat as more plausible than I have previously given it credit - for the initial collapse, and IF the temperatures really raged high+long enough. I remain unconvinced and await further simulations, tests, and feedback - there remain variables on heat-wicking, how low the temperature really was up there and for how brief a time. Perhaps it's time to examine the concrete itself again. The amount of pulverization is inconsistent with other collapsing buildings. The explosive action we see in the videos doesn't ring true for the paltry amount of air that was rushing out... many times the radius of a building that shouldn't even be atomizing as it did. The Romans were on to something here, concrete is very hard stuff and doesn't powder easily - look at what a jack-hammer must do to chip away at sidewalks, or try hammering some yourself. I've seen no studies by NIST, or anyone, on this aspect.

The point is that into this void we project our own knowledge, speculations, fears & hopes _because_ this official story has serious flaws and to my eye a concerted attempt to misdirect attention by exhaustively pre-loading an expectation of the inevitability of collapse without actually explaining it.

Tag, your it.

- Jonathan -

On Jul 14, 2006, at 8:34 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

Dear All,

I IM'd with Gautam, and he said he'd be willing to ask a couple of questions concerning 9-11 and the conspiracy theories of his friend who worked on the report. But, he won't pepper her with a laundry list of questions, she's
rather sick of the various conspiracy theories.

As I mentioned, she's a liberal Democrat, so she wouldn't have political
motivation to protect GWB et. al.

So, what couple of questions would help people understand the official
report better? In particular, I'd be interested in seeing questions that
would assure people that the matter was studied carefully.

Dan M.


Jonathan Gibson

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