On 16/07/2006, at 5:03 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:
Mr Bell, if selective bloviating was enough then this would be resolved already. Your growling impatient diatribe doesn't appear to add anything and I certainly resist bully-boy tactics even if only verbal.

Like, um, "I think we've already heard quite enough from those who have read a couple of web sites and seen a couple of videos..." and the email equivalent of covering the ears and going "lalalalala I can't hear you"?

I'm no bully. But I do call it as I see it, and I reserve the right, as we all have, to reply to any on-list post. And if I think it's stupid, I'll say so. If you don't want your questions critiqued, as Dave apparently didn't, send them to Dan offlist, and let him decide what to pass on.

Just 'cause I'm not American and don't live in the States doesn't mean I don't have a strong interest in this, both for intellectual and personal reasons.


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