On 10/02/2009, at 8:54 AM, John Garcia wrote:
> New York Times reports 173 dead, hundreds homeless, and that the  
> fire may
> have been set.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/world/asia/10australia.html

It wasn't just a fire. It was a number of fires across several hundred  
kilometres. Several of them were deliberately lit, some of them were  
accidentally lit (although there's an argument that anyone breaking  
the Total Fire Ban rules on the conditions last week was as good as  
lighting a bushfire). The wikipedia article is pretty good on  
explaining what's been going on.

There are still 4 major fires burning with towns, property and people  
under threat. It's not over yet.

We've offered our spare room for emergency accomodation.



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