Hi Alec,
Sorry if it wasn't clear, my answers were to your two separate queries, not
all together:

To diagnose the compilation problem, you need to dig through the
tut4_update directory that was created by casper_xps in the same directory
as the tut4_update.slx file you are compiling and find all the .log files
(be sure to look in all the subdirectories) and then search those .log
files for "error"

For your problem of not being able to program the fpga, that's where I
suggest running fpga.is_connected() to make sure you are properly
communicating with the FPGA aside from trying to program it. Similarly,
look at the .fpg file vs. the ones that seem to be working and see if
anything obvious is amiss. I suspect a version incompatibility between the
toolflow used to create the tutorial 4 .fpg file and your casper_fpga
python library or katcp library.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 5:02 PM, Alec Josaitis <josai...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Dear Glenn,
> Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately, the .log files don't reveal
> any hints to this issue; below is a print-out of the entire .log file (it
> is only five lines long). None of these lines refer to
> 'fpga.is_connected()'.
> --------------------------------- Version Log
> ----------------------------------
> Version                                 Path
> System Generator                        /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen
> Matlab (R2012b)               /usr/local/Matlab/2012b
> ISE                                     /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE
> Do you have a copy of tutorial 4 that you were able to successfully
> compile? Upon receiving it, did you have to update any casper_XPS library
> blocks, or update the .mdl file in any way before attempting to compile it
> with the casper_xps script in MATLAB?
> Best,
> Alec
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 3:29 PM, G Jones <glenn.calt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alec,
>> Your compilation error indicates that running system generator failed.
>> You need to look in the directory created with the design name for the
>> system generator logs to see where the error occurred. I can't remember the
>> exact name but dig through the sub directories for .log files and the
>> search for "error" to see if you can find an error message.
>> I'm not familiar enough with the casper_fpga library to offer much
>> advice. Does fpga.is_connected() return True?
>> Does the .fpg file look the same as the ones that work for you?
>> Glenn
>> Dear Casperites,
>> I've been trying to complete tutorial 4
>> <https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/Tutorial_Wideband_Pocket_Correlator>
>> for the Roach2, and have run into difficulty compiling either the .slx
>> <https://github.com/casper-astro/tutorials_devel/blob/tutorials_update_2016/tut4/poco_wide_12_r316_new.slx.r2013a.tar.gz>
>> or .mdl
>> <https://github.com/casper-astro/tutorials_devel/blob/tutorials_update_2016/tut4/poco_wide_12_r316_new.mdl.tar.gz>files
>> given for the Roach 2, or uploading the precompoliled .fpg
>> <https://github.com/casper-astro/tutorials_devel/blob/tutorials_update_2016/tut4/poco_wide_1kat.fpg>
>> file onto my Roach2 (using either the python scripts given or simply by
>> command-line uploading the .fpg using ipython). My error messages are
>> attached in this Google Drive document.
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RY5LSS7mRx3o2Zm6Gyy_a8jhEjJr2bM1k9CCN9ov0bw/edit?usp=sharing>
>> For tutorials 1-3 I have had no trouble compiling the .slx files and
>> upload the corresponding .fpg files to my Roach2.
>> I've made sure in the .slx I cite above (for tutorial 4) that the
>> XSG_core_config block does not have a broken link and that the settings are
>> as follows:
>>    - Hardware platform: Roach2:sx475t
>>    - User IP clock source: adc0_clk
>>    - User IP clock rate (MHz): 200, (and that the adc1 and adc0 are
>>    correspondingly clocked to 800 MHz)
>>    - Sample period: 1
>>    - Synthesis tool: XST
>> Any advice on how I can complete tutorial 4?
>> Best,
>> Alec

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