Dear All,


Would it be possible to access Casper technology for research into quantum
entanglement sensing for the micro/mm-wave band? 


To explore some sensor concepts I'd be looking to make 4-bit sampling of
radiation in the band 10 GHz to 30 GHz at something like 10 Gsps. I'd need
to digitise on 4 channels (Hs, Vs, Hi, Vi) where H and V are the horizontal
and linear polarisations of the radiation. Then I'd need to make four
non-conjugated cross-multiplies and accumulates to create <HsHi>, <HsVi>,
<Vs,Hi> and <VsVi>. 


Is there Casper (or other) technology that could be used for this? Is it
possible to access Casper technology for research outside of universities?


Many thanks, Neil

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