Alright, well, I'm down with the move.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Ian Holsman<> wrote:
> If gerrit is that much better jira we could make a case for it.
> I mean.. ASF's using git as well as SVN.. It's isn't a government department
> or a fortune 500 with a IT standard which is iron solid.
> It's more a support issue. we mainly rely on volunteers to keep the boxes
> running (and yes it needs to be hosted on ASF hardware), and having every
> project use their favorite tool for doing X makes it much harder to manage.
> as for CTR (commit than review) or RTC (review than commit). thats a project
> decision. If you guys feel more comfortable at this stage of the project to
> go to RTC, then put it up for vote on do it. your grownups, you know the
> risks and rewards.
> -I
> On 26/06/2009, at 1:00 AM, Eric Evans wrote:
>> On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 10:28 -0500, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
>>> Yesterday I posted about my git-svn workflow [1].  What I didn't
>>> expect was that a member of ASF infrastructure who is setting up a
>>> pilot project [2] based on git + gerrit [3] instead of svn + jira
>>> asked if we'd be interested in helping test it out.
>>> They are setting it up so it will still push changes back to svn so we
>>> can always go back to svn if it doesn't work out.
>> So what would the overall work-flow look like? As others have said,
>> Gerrit is only for review and Jira would still be in the picture. If we
>> had a dedicated code review tool, would we still attach patches to
>> tickets? I'd be happy if I didn't have to shave that particular yak
>> anymore.
>> --
>> Eric Evans
> --
> Ian Holsman

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