I’m sharing a laymen’s talk I recently gave on some aspects of Corona. I’m not 
claiming to be an expert, but there is useful information in the presentation. 
I skipped the intro and zoomed directly to the start of my presentation.


I can make the slides available if anybody wants them.


> On Apr 2, 2020, at 11:27 AM, James Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov> wrote:
> Personally, if I were infected with SARS-CoV-1 instead of SARS-CoV-2 I'd 
> still like to know that. 
> It is most certainly true that the primer design must be done right: checking 
> for self-annealing, low genomic variability, cross-reactivity to potential 
> contaminants etc.  Fortunately, we have tools for this that can be used at 
> home.
> I agree the CRISPR-based tests are very exciting, as are many of the other 
> new tests being rolled out.  Assay times of 15 minutes, 5     minutes, and 
> now 2 minutes have been claimed.  The problem I see is they all rely on 
> specialized equipment, skilled technicians and expensive reagents.  Ramping 
> up production to the billion-test scale may not be feasible.  Even if it 
> were, all the PPE needed to extract those samples safely would be 
> prohibitive, as would be the sample-tracking logistics.  
> For reasons such as this, I am curious to see if an at-home do-it-yourself 
> test is possible.  It may serve no purpose other than to satisfy indiviual 
> curiosity, but I think it would go a long way to defusing the fear that comes 
> from not knowing.  This would not just be for sputum, but possibly doorknobs, 
> packages, and, yes, mobile phones.
> And for those wondering about those nasal swabs:  I've done a little research 
> on them and I think the reason for going full "Total Recall" and sticking it 
> way up inside your head is not because the     virus is more concentrated 
> there (we don't even know what the concentration is), but rather because 
> potential contaminants are minimized.  Think about it: PCR is a very 
> sensitive technique, and you want to make sure the sample came from the 
> intended patient, not the other patient who walked through the door just 
> before you did after sneezing in their hand and touching the doorknob.  If 
> you touched that same doorknob and then <ahem> "scratched" your nose, then a 
> swab of your nostrils might pick up a virus or two.  That would be a false 
> positive.  
> I expect there are many aspects of current test that don't have to be the way 
> they are, but nonetheless are "required" because they were inherited from 
> previous tests.  I expect we all have learned the hard way that in biological 
> science when you are handed a protocol you follow that protocol to the 
> letter.  How many times have you had to teach a student that?  It is not a 
> bad policy, but eventually there comes a time for "assay development".  This 
> is when you start asking "why do we do it that way, again?" 
>  For example, swabs with calcium alginate are not allowed becuase they can 
> "kill the virus".  If all we want is genomic RNA, then why do we care?  
> Possibly because the traditional method of identifying most pathogens is to 
> culture them.  The CDC protocol also recommends against cotton swabs with 
> wood handles.  Why?  Perhaps because they contain DNA, and for PCR you always 
> worry about contamination.  Is there any chance the probes will anneal to 
> something in the cotton or pine genomes?  I doubt it, but I also doubt that 
> anyone has checked.
> Thank you for the suggestions so far!  Very interesting and helpful!
> -James Holton
> MAD Scientist
> On 3/31/2020 11:46 PM, Sahil Batra wrote:
>> Dear Prof. Holton,
>> An innovative idea; however all of the 30 kb genome may not be useful for 
>> specific detection - SARS-CoV1 and SARS-CoV2 share 80% identity.
>> A similar fluorescent detection approach for SARS Cov2 -- using the 
>> indiscriminate collateral activity of Cas12 nuclease -- has been reported 
>> here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.29.971127v1.full.pdf 
>> <https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.29.971127v1.full.pdf>
>> Although not tested on samples from patients.
>> Regards,
>> Sahil Batra
>> PhD candidate, IIT Kanpur
>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 12:07 PM Jurgen Bosch <jxb...@case.edu 
>> <mailto:jxb...@case.edu>> wrote:
>> One problem I see is the sputum, there’s a reason why swabs are made to get 
>> sufficient viral material. 
>> Since stool samples test PCR positive that might be an easier approach to 
>> get sufficient viral material. As a side note, these are not infectious 
>> anymore, or at least one has not been able to infect tissue cultures from 
>> stool samples.
>> It’s worth a thought, I’ll need to read those papers you referenced. 
>> I believe I read a suitable preprint for viral load, will search for it 
>> tomorrow.
>> Jürgen 
>> __________________________________________
>> Jürgen Bosch, Ph.D.
>> Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy/Immunology
>> Case Western Reserve University
>> 2109 Adelbert Rd <>, BRB 835
>> Cleveland, OH 44106 <>
>> Phone: 216.368.7565 <tel:216.368.7565>
>> Fax: 216.368.4223 <tel:216.368.4223>
>> CEO & Co-Founder at InterRayBio, LLC
>> Johns Hopkins University
>> Bloomberg School of Public Health
>> Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
>>> On Apr 1, 2020, at 00:50, James Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov 
>>> <mailto:jmhol...@lbl.gov>> wrote:
>>> In order to do global survelinace of this new virus I figure we're going 
>>> to need billions of tests.  The biggest barriers I believe are 
>>> logistical.  Shipping back and forth to a central labs isn't going to 
>>> cut it, and neither are test kits that cost $800 each.
>>> I think I may have a plausible way forward to a low-cost and easily 
>>> mass-produced test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus using mostly items people 
>>> already have, such as smartphones. The most expensive reagent required 
>>> will be labeled oligos, but those scale very well.
>>> The key observation is that smartphones can detect as few as 1e6 
>>> particles/mL if they do long exposures (180s).  This was using 
>>> bioluminescence. Reported here:
>>> https://www.nature.com/articles/srep40203.pdf 
>>> <https://www.nature.com/articles/srep40203.pdf>
>>> The other side of that coin is the expected titer of the virus in 
>>> sputum.  I don't know of any reports for SARS-CoV-2 itself, but for four 
>>> other respiratory viruses, including one coronavirus, it ranges from 1e6 
>>> to 1e8 particles/mL :
>>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4187748/ 
>>> <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4187748/>
>>> This is encouraging!  The challenge will be to detect viral genomes in 
>>> "the field" without sophisticated lab equipment like a PCR machine, 
>>> lasers, 3D printers, etc.  The concentration will be 1e-15 M, a 
>>> challenge, but then again we can detect single molecules using 
>>> fluorescence. The questions are:
>>> 1) can we get the background low enough so that the dark current of the 
>>> camera dominates
>>> 2) can we make the signal high enough to overcome the dark current.
>>> 1) will depend on the availability of mass-produced filter technology.  
>>> However, the best filter may simply be time.  Provided the fluorophore 
>>> lifetime is long enough and the camera synchronization tight enough one 
>>> could simply measure the "afterglow" after the camera flash has turned 
>>> off.  An interesting candidate is europium. Most fluorophores decay in 
>>> nanoseconds, but lanthanides can be microseconds to milliseconds.  In 
>>> fact, "glow-in-the-dark" toys usually use europium-doped ZnS or SrAl04. 
>>> Those decay over minutes to hours.  What I'm not sure about is using 
>>> them for FRET. I would appreciate input on experience with this.
>>> 2) I believe signal could be enhanced by using very luminous tags (such 
>>> as quantum dots), and/or by using multiple tags per genome. This virus 
>>> has the largest RNA genome known to date at 30 kbases. That means there 
>>> is room for up to 2000 15-mer tags, each with its own label. The set-up 
>>> cost for doing ~2000 oligo synthesis reactions will be high, but it can 
>>> be done at scale.  You only need ~2 fmol of each oligo, 10 umol 
>>> synthesis is about $1k, so I estimate about $1 per test using 1000 
>>> different oligos. This price point will be important if we want to make 
>>> billions of tests to be used all over the world.  In some countries $1 
>>> is a lot.
>>> The detection strategy I am focusing on is FRET.  That is, oligos would 
>>> be made in pairs, recognizing abutting sections of the viral genome.  
>>> Like this:
>>> 5'  atttcgctgattttggggtc-ATTO465 ATTO550-cattatcagacattttagt  3'
>>> which would anneal to one of the current CDC test primer sites:
>>> 3' taaagcgactaaaaccccaggtaatagtctgtaaaatca 5'
>>> The result in this case would be maximum FRET efficiency only when both 
>>> oligos are bound.  From what I can tell, the ATTO465 dye is one that is 
>>> most sensitive to the blue peak in the iPhone "flash" LED spectrum, and 
>>> ATTO550 should give maximum contrast between the green and red channels 
>>> of the iPhone camera. That way you would discriminate presence/absence 
>>> by color.  Red=virus, Green=clear. That is just an example. Other tags 
>>> might work better.  Maybe quantum dots.
>>> Additional aparatus would be required, of course, and at least a few 
>>> reagents to crack open the capsids (DTT and guanidine).  These could be 
>>> shipped dry in foil packs.  The end user would simply tear it open and 
>>> spit into it.  If the intersted party is performing the test on 
>>> themselves, then there is no biohazard.  Heating to 70C (cup of coffee?) 
>>> should kill the virus, and these reagents will make it even more dead.  
>>> I'm not sure how much purification would be required.  The assay volume 
>>> in the Nature paper above was 1 mL.  I expect signal would be improved 
>>> by concentrating the RNA as close to the camera as possible.  It may 
>>> even be possible to absorb the nucleic acid directly onto the cover 
>>> glass of the smartphone camera.  RNA sticks to glass at pH < 7.5, and 
>>> not much else does.  Quiagen EZ1 nucleic acid purificaiton columns are 
>>> nothing but silica glass beads after all.
>>> There are still details to work out, but I am intruiged by the fact that 
>>> this seems physically possible and the potential of being very cheap, 
>>> rugged, portable and scaled up rapidly.  It would be nice to be able to 
>>> leverage a device that is in already in the hand of half the people on 
>>> the planet.
>>> Comments? Insights?
>>> -James Holton
>>> MAD Scientist
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