Since we are never going to completely agree on
"home computer",
"home computing", (using a a terminal with a remote computer)

might I suggest the works of Edmund Berkeley.

Full text of "Giant Brains, or, Machines That Think"

OB_tangent: I remember that Jim Warren said "machinew WHO think"

On the issue of "first", many authors on the topic have personal "requirements" for it to be considered. (such as storage, video display, keyboard, HDD, etc.) "It wasn't REALLY a computer, unless it had ..." In MOST cases, they will declare the "first" to be one generation before they got one. CP/M users often choose Altair; People who started in PC will often pick CP/M; people who started with Windoze might pick DOS, Mac users declare Apple2, etc.

Grumpy Ol' Fred       

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