On Monday 20 December 2004 10:01, Serge Knystautas wrote:

> That doesn't mean it's fair, or even matters that much.

Passing judgement on someone often doesn't matter much, except to the 
'convicted'. "Not guilty" vs "4 weeks in jail with parole" can change 
someone's life dramatically.

> To
> play devil's advocate, everything new I use is built outside of the ASF,
> so what's the big deal about having to take your code elsewhere?

Besides some few weeks of code transmorphing, license-based impossibilities of 
remaining totally backward compatible and the hassles coming from our choice 
of hosting ourselves (cost of dedicated hosting is dropping rapidly), I now 
agree that being outside ASF has many advantages, and far fewer disadvantages 
than I expected.

Are you hinting that ASF's significance will diminish over time, as it is 
unable to cope with its own growth in light of the legacy?
Is there a scalability issue with OSS in general? In ASF?
Are there long-term problems of keeping smaller projects healthy? How about 
the larger ones? Do they need the benevolent dictator with his lieutenants?

Just some thoughts...

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