> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 21 December 2004 20:22
> To: community@apache.org
> Subject: Re: [ANN] Avalon Closed
> Stephen McConnell wrote:
> >>
> >> No policy adopted by a project can supercede the policies of the 
> >> ASF. Any that do are null and void, or, at best, advisory only.
> >
> > Then clearly you have been negligent in your responsibility towards 
> > the Avalon community.
> No more than, say, the federal government is to citizens of a state 
> when that state passes laws that encroach on federal authority.  I.e.,

> not at all.  Things stand until they're tested.
> Bravo, Stephen; you've now competely and utterly convinced me that 
> you're an accomplished troll.  It's evidently impossible to hold a 
> reasoned discussion with you.  Apparently you're not the least bit 
> interested in Truth; all you're interested in is Being Right.  Or so 
> it seems to me.
> Until you demonstrate that you can at least attempt dispassion and 
> objectivity, I don't intend to waste any more of my time responding to

> your trolls.

Clearly you are not prepared to face up to the fact that the there is a
disconnect within the ASF policies and procedures and the functioning of
an open community.  Clearly you are not prepared, willing or able to
address this.  You decision to abstain from further discussion within
this context is an appropriate move and I commend and applaud this


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