
Am Wed, 05 Sep 2007 03:53:17 +0200 schrieb Lars Hallberg:

> Over to Your problem. Your Python is probably to old. According to
> the python docs (3.6.1 String Methods) You need python 2.5:

I had the same problem and whipped up a quick partition(). Works ok for
me (patch attached).

Henryk Plötz
Grüße aus Berlin
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---	2007-09-02 20:10:56.000000000 +0200
+++	2007-09-05 10:38:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
 scale = scale * 4.0 / cols
 hscale = hscale * scale
+def partition(s, sep):
+    if sep in s:
+        a,b = s.split(sep,1)
+        return (a,sep,b)
+    else: return (s, "","")
 keymap = [ [  # What function each 'key' vill have
     [ ["1:@#$\"", "'", "\"", "`", "x", "x" ],
       ["@", "$", "%", "~", "x", "x" ],
@@ -97,7 +103,7 @@
     def build_label(self, l):
         p = pango.AttrList()
-        (ll, sep, s) = l.partition(":")
+        (ll, sep, s) = partition(l,":")
         if sep == ":":
             l = "\n".join([ll, s])
             p.insert(pango.AttrScale(hscale, 0, len(ll)))
@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@
 	c = keymap[row][col][ii][jj]
         if (ii == row) and (jj == col):
-            (c, text, t) = c.partition(":")
+            (c, text, t) = partition(c,":")
         text = c
         if c == "enter":
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