On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 10:23 +0100, Marcus Bauer wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 12:10:21 +0800
> Bill <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> > I gave feed back to Martin that the digits were too large (the
> > tangogps developer)
> Hi Borat, I will tell Martin once I meet him :p
> > but the
> > digits keep getting bigger each version (it seems :(
> They got smaller. I may change them from point to pixel size so they
> remain the same indepentenly of changing screen dpi settings of the
> distribution.
> Marcus

heh heh, sorry, I should have looked up your name to be sure.

This is my most used GPS app and the digit size is my only real beef
with it - it works well.

On the FR in landscape mode, the digits (at anything over 100km/h -
(spent two long days travelling at ~110km/h speed recently!) take up
almost a quarter of the screen (in X and Y) - I just tried with the
suggested patch/change and a global_font_scale of "40" was still a bit
large.  "30" is perhaps a touch small (text height is the same as the
buttons), but I'll live with it for awhile and see how it goes.

One plus, the display updates are now smooth and almost unnoticeable -
before the screen would often partially update and then catch up a
couple of seconds later.

The changing to red at 50km/h affects the visibility of the digits at
the smaller sizes and is a pretty useless thing anyway (our limit is
110kmh in the country, 60 on city roads and 50 in backstreets so you
hardly ever/rarely stay in the black zone - kinda defeats the purpose!).
A presettable limit would be nice.

These things are always a tradeoff with different users having different
ideas so user preferences would be the best way to go I think.

a shr-t ipk with global_font_scale=30 is at
for the adventurous :)


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