I have repeatedly seen people assert that komi must be different for
players of different skill levels, and have repeatedly questioned it, but I
have never seen anyone try to substantiate the claim. People who believe it
find it obvious, but I don't. There are two pieces of evidence that I can
think of:

1) that I believe someone played near-random engines against each other,
and the correct komi was different (I cannot find where that was done). But
that's so far from even DDK play that it's pretty useless.
2) I believe the old OGS (DGS?) forums included an analysis of their games
and what the correct komi was. I cannot confidently quote the results. If
those are the old OGS forums, I don't know if they even exist anymore.

The data from go servers are freely available. Does white have a greater
advantage for weaker players? It doesn't seem so--anecdotally when players
posted their KGS stats, they varied a bit, but didn't seem to have a bias
for White.

Of course, that's anecdata...anyone is welcome to prove or disprove this
old claim by analyzing the stats on KGS, or Tygem or wherever else.

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 2:03 AM, Petri Pitkanen <petri.t.pitka...@gmail.com>

> Let alone we do not have even sufficient understanding of perfect play to
> say what is correct komi in absolute sense. Nor it is it even meaningful
> concept. Correct komi is a komi that produces about 50/50 result. Obviously
> komi that will result in 50/50 for professionals will probably favour white
> in your average weekend tournaments. Just like in chess 1st move advantage
> is clearly less meanigfull for weaker players than top professionals.
> So setting komi is not theroretical but statistical issue
> 2015-11-05 0:04 GMT+02:00 Hideki Kato <hideki_ka...@ybb.ne.jp>:
>> The correct komi value assuming both players are perfect.  Or, black
>> utilize his advantage (maybe in an early stage) perfectly.  Actual
>> players, even strong pros, are not perfect and cannot fully utilize
>> their advantages.  As a conclusion, white is favored.
>> Hideki
>> Aja Huang: <CAJbO_wGku1M1hzDScsyhYq439BkN5m-hrne4ejT=
>> 2v52erc...@mail.gmail.com>:
>> >Hi all,
>> >
>> >As you might know the Chinese professional player Ke Jie is like an
>> >erupting volcano, triumphant in many domestic and international Go
>> >competitions.
>> >
>> >In the interview at
>> >
>> >http://sports.sina.com.cn/go/2015-11-04/doc-ifxkhqea3033663.shtml
>> >
>> >Ke Jie said in his opinion on 19x19 komi 6.5 or 7.5 favors White. That
>> >seems consistent to MCTS's behavior? i.e. on the empty board, with komi
>> >7.5, Black's win rate is usually between 46% and 48% meaning White is
>> >ahead. As the current top pro, Ke Jie's viewpoint is very interesting. :)
>> >
>> >Aja
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