Partially it is the intolerance of anyone under the influence and what they can get away with charging. Makes DA's look good tough on crime etc. Also raises lots of dough for local municipality etc.

Plus the fact that some of these are usually plea dealed down it gives them a stronger hand to start with.

My sons companion a few months ago was pulled over and given three tickets. No license (which he will agree with) improper lane change, and finally driving under the influence. (He is a disabled vet and takes a few meds to deal with injuries etc.)

Small town, and they are notorious for this kind of thing. Local judge found him guilty on all three. (Even though he gave evidence of prescriptions for all of these etc.)

Is appealing sentence, and DA is saying they will probably deal on a few of the charges as some seem improper etc. So even though they go crazy doing this a good DA will weed through these and make them better. (all though it will still add money to the coffers)


At 07:32 PM 1/27/2010, you wrote:
Speaking to the negative drug test result. I'm still on the side that cell phone or other similar electronic devices used while driving should be charged with the same harshness as DUI. If someone is killed due to the use, it should also be charged the same as killing while under the influence. I think they call it here in Washington State, vehicular manslaughter. While I agree we can't regulate stupidity, we can regulate actions stemming from that stupidity. However, I have to admit, the DUI laws in Washington state have gone totally wacky. We have instances of people charged with DUI while on bicycles. Others charged with DUI while asleep in their parked cars because they had their keys with them and were considered "in physical control of the vehicle", even though it was stopped, parked and off. I think Washington state is striving for a return of those blue laws, or where they called dry laws. I don't remember.

Jeff Miles

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