
On Fri, 2015-10-09 at 10:52 -0700, Naveen Singh wrote:
> This may not happen at all. My understanding is that wpa_supplicant would
> time out only if the AP is not seen in subsequent scans. But the AP is
> always found in scan as there is nothing wrong at 802.11 level. The user
> found that WAN cable was not connected so he went ahead and fixed it. And
> now the connection to DHCP server is established but connection will still
> not happen. Is user supposed to power off the AP so that it disappears from
> scan list.

wpa_s will time out wifi networks in 2 minutes if no scans have been
done to refresh them. For ConnMan it will take ~6 min 20 sec to get
fresh results with a new scan after the 2 minute expiry time.

If the user is connected to the system, nothing prevents the user from
connecting manually and immediately after said WAN cable is reattached.



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