We get our ours from a coffee service.  They 'give you' the maker (we
got a maker with an airpot,  they gave us two airpots to use, could
have gotten more) and you 'just' buy the coffee.  Around here
(Minneapolis) the cost comes out to around $1 a brew (2.5 oz bag of
ground coffee).  Not sure what the per cup yield is though.  If you
want sugar, cream, stir sticks etc, costs extra.  With the service
they will maintain the coffee maker and also provide the filters.
Seems to fit our needs now.  We realize we are paying for the maker
and airpots through purchasing the coffee,  but they hooked the whole
thing up, connected the water supply to the coffee maker and we can
have a choice of what coffee we want.  Caribou/Starbucks etc make cost
a bit more per brew than what we are using (one the service roasts)
but the coffee gets good reviews.  Nice thing about the airpots is it
keeps the coffee warm for a long period of time and you don't have
that glass pot sitting on a hot burner which can really stink up the
place if someone forgets the burner is still on.

The service we found doesn't have any contracts either.  If we decide
to do something different in the future, we just tell them, they pick
up the stuff and we're done.

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