Yeah, a standard web_vew library being part of the C++ standard is not a
good idea. It's far too huge a thing with far too many potential pitfalls
and dangerous consequences, and is an overweight solution to what should be
a comparatively lightweight problem.

If the goal is just to have a standard way to build basic GUI interfaces in
C++, then it might make more sense to do something like adopt Tk as a UI
language for C++. It's reasonably well-known, is both expansive and easy to
use, and is designed specifically for creating UIs for integration into
apps in other languages, with cross-platform compatibility baked in.

If the goal is a high-speed graphics solution of some sort, it seems like
adopting a standard such as OpenGL ES as the standard for baseline graphics
in C++ would be more logical. It's already a standard, it's well-documented
and well-known, and in most cases you can shunt off the majority of work to
a platform runtime.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Myk Melez <> wrote:

> Botond Ballo wrote on 2018-07-18 09:45:
>> As we have some experience in the embedding space here at Mozilla, I
>> was wondering if anyone had feedback on this embedding library
>> proposal. This is an early-stage proposal, so high-level feedback on
>> the design and overall approach is likely to be welcome.
> I'm afraid that I agree with the consensus in this thread: specifying a
> web_view class isn't a useful activity for the C++ standards committee to
> undertake.
> The proposal notes that C++ specifies "no useful facilities" for creating
> graphical interfaces, so "users either need to make use of system-specific
> APIs, third-party libraries, or move to a different programming language."
> However, it doesn't explain why "system-specific APIs" and "third-party
> libraries" are considered insufficient or harmful. As others have pointed
> out, for languages with first-class modules and package ecosystems,
> third-party libraries are a feature of a language, not a bug. And
> "system-specific APIs" have their own advantages (along with downsides).
> The proposal also notes, "To be useful, we’ll need to require support for
> a large number external standards (i.e., [X]HTML, CSS, SVG, ECMAScript, and
> possibly others). Our three-year release cycle is likely sufficient to
> maintain a proper list of such standards, but it’s still a large list, and
> to be clear, the transitive closure of this list is huge."
> At the very least, this statement is worthy of more careful consideration,
> given the ongoing rapid change in the web platform surface area (not to
> mention implementation strategies that affect embedding APIs, such as the
> move to multiple content processes).
> And it notes, "Surveying the current implementations has convinced me that
> this kind of interface is appropriate for standardization, at least in the
> sense that, while broadly useful, using these services from a C++
> application today requires difficult-to-get-right platform-specific code.
> Moving that burden to C++ library implementers, as a result, makes sense."
> The former statement may be true, but the latter doesn't necessarily
> follow; and it isn't even clear that the former is true. The author himself
> demonstrates a prototype implementation that supports multiple platforms.
> And the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) has similarly long provided a
> cross-platform API for embedding the web into C++ applications.
> Don't such third-party libraries show that it *is* possible to use the web
> in a C++ application without "difficult-to-get-right platform-specific
> code"?
> (It might be that developing such a cross-platform library is itself
> challenging, but that's a burden on library vendors, not application
> developers.)
> Cross-platform graphical application development with C++ can be
> challenging, and the web may be a solution in some cases. Indeed, Mozilla
> itself has faced that challenge and used its own web implementation to help
> solve it for desktop platforms. And others have solved it via third-party
> libraries and system-specific APIs.
> Nevertheless, while those implementations are imperfect, and there's
> plenty of scope for improvement, a minimal standard that evolves more
> slowly than the web and its implementations seems like it would do more
> harm than good. And thus a web_view class isn't well-suited for
> specification by the C++ standards committee.
> -myk
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