Botond Ballo wrote on 2018-07-18 09:45:
As we have some experience in the embedding space here at Mozilla, I
was wondering if anyone had feedback on this embedding library
proposal. This is an early-stage proposal, so high-level feedback on
the design and overall approach is likely to be welcome.
I'm afraid that I agree with the consensus in this thread: specifying a web_view class isn't a useful activity for the C++ standards committee to undertake.

The proposal notes that C++ specifies "no useful facilities" for creating graphical interfaces, so "users either need to make use of system-specific APIs, third-party libraries, or move to a different programming language."

However, it doesn't explain why "system-specific APIs" and "third-party libraries" are considered insufficient or harmful. As others have pointed out, for languages with first-class modules and package ecosystems, third-party libraries are a feature of a language, not a bug. And "system-specific APIs" have their own advantages (along with downsides).

The proposal also notes, "To be useful, we’ll need to require support for a large number external standards (i.e., [X]HTML, CSS, SVG, ECMAScript, and possibly others). Our three-year release cycle is likely sufficient to maintain a proper list of such standards, but it’s still a large list, and to be clear, the transitive closure of this list is huge."

At the very least, this statement is worthy of more careful consideration, given the ongoing rapid change in the web platform surface area (not to mention implementation strategies that affect embedding APIs, such as the move to multiple content processes).

And it notes, "Surveying the current implementations has convinced me that this kind of interface is appropriate for standardization, at least in the sense that, while broadly useful, using these services from a C++ application today requires difficult-to-get-right platform-specific code. Moving that burden to C++ library implementers, as a result, makes sense."

The former statement may be true, but the latter doesn't necessarily follow; and it isn't even clear that the former is true. The author himself demonstrates a prototype implementation that supports multiple platforms. And the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) has similarly long provided a cross-platform API for embedding the web into C++ applications.

Don't such third-party libraries show that it *is* possible to use the web in a C++ application without "difficult-to-get-right platform-specific code"?

(It might be that developing such a cross-platform library is itself challenging, but that's a burden on library vendors, not application developers.)

Cross-platform graphical application development with C++ can be challenging, and the web may be a solution in some cases. Indeed, Mozilla itself has faced that challenge and used its own web implementation to help solve it for desktop platforms. And others have solved it via third-party libraries and system-specific APIs.

Nevertheless, while those implementations are imperfect, and there's plenty of scope for improvement, a minimal standard that evolves more slowly than the web and its implementations seems like it would do more harm than good. And thus a web_view class isn't well-suited for specification by the C++ standards committee.


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