I'm against Pootle as storage and against all about OLT at this point of
time. We have translators, who used gettext based tools (also open btw) for
a years and who also participate in many other projects (KDE, Gnome, GNU
applications, various distributions like SUSE, Mandriva - and reuse also
translation compendiums across all this software).
Makes it sense to force them to use two different interfaces? Or throw a
line between Sun (only some 9 language) translators and community
translators (several dozens) and their long-time experience?
Sorry, when this message seems irritating, but I'm open to discussion. And
fix me when I'm wrong in some predjustices.

I don't mean that OLT should be forced as a tool. We simply need a server-based translation memory, if we want to think about translation consistency and good quality. We can use translation memories on local machines - there are many nice TM tools like POEdit for gettext files or OmegaT - but a shared TM like Rosetta in Ubuntu would be wonderful. Rosetta is closed-source, and not likely to be open. That's why I wanted to ask OLT people to configure a server for ALL languages used in OOo localizations.

Maybe you should change experience with opensuse people, they have quite
good working translation service with merging po-repositories with updated
pot-files, updating new strings using translation memory (held in server),
subversion system with a lot of easier access for newcomers than oo.o cvs.

I'll look at that. Thanks for the pointer!


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