Thanks for your efforts, Pete!

If we end up doing some kind of "icon hackathon", I'm happy to contribute a few 
one-month Illustrator licenses...

-- Eirik

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Whelpton <> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: Status of converting icons to SVG

Hi Jaroslav et al,

The JIRA ticket is here:

In the comments, you'll see attached the .ai files for the icons I redrew as 
SVG.  The following NB modules are covered:

these are on top of the icons Eirik had already converted.

Unfortunately, I left my job where I had access to Illustrator, and haven't 
fancied paying £30/month for it :(  I also 99% finished redrawing the 
ide.editor module, which contains many icons reused all over NB, so would have 
checked off a big chunk, but I stupidly left .ai file on my file storage in my 
old job, and the thought of redoing all of that work.... argh!

If I ever get access to AI again, I'll try and help out with some more.
Would love to see this finished :)


On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 9:29 AM Jaroslav Tulach <>

> Hello everyone, hello Eirik.
> It is a while since the [support for SVG 
> icons]( netbeans/commit/ 
> <>
> 51a01eb9cbfc6f342a1827d47f0b37e1b2f070a3#diff-721be4afbc5aed18d39b1170
> 2d02c9fd)
> landed into NetBeans code base. Is it used or is it just laying around?
> I do remember there was an attempt to start a community supported 
> conversion of the icons. What's the status of such conversion? Were 
> some (at least those visible in the toolbar by default) icons 
> converted?
> Maybe we should ask guys that have a say in the wider community like 
> Jirka Kovalský, Geertjan, etc. to make some buzz around the 
> conversion? Have an "icon-a-hack-a-ton"?
> Last time I asked for help with reorganizing source files layout per 
> cluster, the community reacted quite well. A lot of people 
> contributed.
> Contributing
> icons shall be even easier and more fun, right?
> -jt
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