Am 07/24/2014 12:16 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Marcus (OOo) wrote:
However, I don't
know why we should keep a large table with links when the whole
functionality now existing in the greeen download box.

If the approach by Emanuele yields (this is the impression I got from
the Github code) a pure HTML output, not depending on JS, and can be
automated, then this table is the "basic" version of the download page
good for many reasons, from accessibility to people in text-only mode. I
admit these are rare use cases, but this would be a "nice to have"

OK, could be an advantage for some.

advantage. Provided it can be automated or semi-automated at every
release, otherwise we go back to the problem of manual maintenance...

Yes, the header data in the starting JSON data ( "version": "4.1.0", ... "beta_version": "4.1.1" ) needs to be exchanged with a connection to the "globalvars.js" file or something from SVN. Otherwise we have to keep 2 places up-to-date.


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