Am 07/28/2014 11:05 PM, schrieb Alexandro Colorado:
Here is a sample of a sortable table (click on the header you want to sort).

the table will get long. So, to have it sortable is a nice advantage.

The glyphicons are not set yet, hopefully later.

Some icons could help. However, to show simply a "green" and "red" color (maybe also "yellow") should do the same trick.


On 7/28/14, Alexandro Colorado<>  wrote:
On 7/26/14, Marcus (OOo)<>  wrote:
Am 07/26/2014 12:51 AM, schrieb Emanuele:
Marcus (OOo) wrote:

please have a look. The links 2, 3 and 4 do not display correctly:

Most likely is because of the bits of html present (the<div
class="Acta1">   and corresponding closing div wrapping the text),
from the fact that only the links inside this block are not processed.

I've created a new test page as MDTEXT. Looks good now. Thanks for the

Any special need to create this as MDTEXT? Otherwise I would suggest
to turn it back into HTML.

The reason I converted the text to md is because I find the table much
easier to handle in md rather than in html (actually it's still a bit
confusing, I should have added some spacing to align things better), but
up to you. ;)

Tables in HTML can be indeed a bit nasty. ;-)

I've started a new table to show separate status in different parts of
the webpages.

I can think of that the overall status can be different to the initial
homepage and download status. I've created also a column for the
download as IMHO this is the most important part for our software and
deserves an own status. If you (or others) think different the table can
consists of only 2 columns for overall status and homepage.

The initial homepage is OK but not localized.
The download is OK and most recent but not localized.
Therefore the overall status in "unmaintained".

Yes, big work to get an initial status for all languages and parts. But
could be worth to get an overview and every new interested volunteer can
see with one view what's up.

Does this help? Should we expand it to all languages?

As a design concern I will preffer using images than labels. It makes
the user identify better the nature. Alternatively we could use
Glyphicons usually can make somewhat of a cleaner code, and also are
more smaller than a pixel-base image. Also frameworks like Bootstrap
already include them on the framework.

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