On 06/03/2015 Dave Barton wrote:
OK! One last attempt to clarify and resolve a trivial issue, that has
become clouded in misunderstanding and mistranslated into some kind of
"bike-shedding" subject.

...and misunderstood (or portrayed) as a transparency issue, when the answer to your question on who is moderating the API list can readily be found at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-6095 and needed no further discussion.

The one and only thing I suggested is that we have a simple, easy way
for any of us to check & ensure that we have adequate list moderator

- List the mailing lists.
- Mention the -owner address for each.
- Add a link to the JIRA issue with the moderators names (like above). That issue will be reopened if we need to change moderators. So this will cause no overhead and require no maintenance at all.

This would be a perfect solution if INFRA had not asked us to use an internal tool rather than JIRA for mailing list requests. So in future the moderator names might be in some commits that might not be visible to everybody, but they will still be visible to all committers or so, so not really exclusive...

BTW, to me the information "Who are the moderators of the XYZ mailing list?" is public but largely irrelevant. I e-mail the -owner addresses when needed and I'm OK with it.


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